Vitamins are organic molecules that are essential for body functions. We require them for our growth, vitality and well-being. With a few exceptions, they cannot be produced by the body itself which is why we have to get them over the food intake and as part of natural foods into our body. Without the presence of all essential vitamins, you are not able to maintain a good health.
A distinction is made between water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. The water-soluble vitamins, as for example, B vitamins (except B12) and vitamin C are not stored by the body and must, therefore, be replaced on a daily basis. The fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) can be stored in the body, especially in the liver and can be given to the cells if needed. Water-soluble vitamins form part of enzymes as co-enzymes and thus contribute to the steering and regulation of body function as well as the generation of body energy. B Vitamins such as choline and inositol, as part of the cell membranes, perform certain functions in the cells
The fat-soluble vitamin A and D have hormone-like properties. Moreover, vitamin E protects the fatty acids in the cells from oxidation which is mainly caused by the attack of free radicals
Vitamins are sensitive substances which can easily be destroyed by external influences (light, air, heating). In fact, it has been proven that preprocessed food contains only 60% of the original vitamins. During the preparation of the food again half of the vitamins are lost. The small remainders enter the cell, only if the enzymes and mucous membranes in the intestine work properly and the overall intestinal flora is intact. All of the stated is an exception today. So it is no wonder that many people have a too little vitamin intake. The well-known nutritionist Klaus Oberbeil describes the consequences of the vitamin deficiency as follows: ‘If the organism lacks nutrients, it simply switches to low flame. In all it’s control circuits (dynamics, libido, ability to concentrate, etc.) he drives the “energy switch” from 100% to perhaps only 70% or even less down to protect vital organs such as the heart, liver, kidney or pancreas, the last energy store of the body to not unnecessarily to squander. Fatigue, lack of strength, forgetfulness or libido deficiency are nothing more than an emergency program of nature to preserve the viability of the body.”